

Natural flavor for use in the further manufacture of animal feed.


  • Category: Feed Additives, Nutritionals
  • Species: Poultry


Product Information

Natural flavor for use in the further manufacture of animal feed. CLARITY-Q® is a product made from concentrated Quillaja saponaria extract with natural ingredients. Quillaja saponaria extract is standardized for consistent saponin content and granulated for consistent distribution through the mixing process. It is a GRAS approved saponin sourced from a regulated forest in Chile, ensuring consistent supply.


Birds treated with Clarity-Q® in addition to a coccidiosis vaccine have shown to have a lower feed conversion and higher weight gain than birds given a coccidiosis vaccine alone.

Birds treated with Clarity-Q® in addition to a coccidiosis vaccine have shown no difference in timing or severity of gross coccidiosis lesions scores compared to birds given a coccidiosis vaccine alone.

Clarity-Q® has been shown to alter tight junction protein expression and VH:CD ratio. These changes have been associated with improved intestinal health1.


1Blue, et al; Effects of Quillaja Saponaria extract on mRNA abundance of tight junction proteins and cellular metabolism genes during a necrotic enteritis challenge in broilers; oral presentation IPSF 2022

iiStudy No. PRP-21-01, Data on File

iiiStudy No. TAMU-21-01, Data on File

ivStudy No. SPR-20-01, Data on File

vStudy No. SPR-21-02, Data on File

Storage & Handling

Store in ambient warehouse conditions in tightly closed, original container away from direct sunlight.

Two year shelf life when stored as specified.

Dosage & Administration

Use at a rate of 0.5 lb per ton of finished feed. Suitable for use in all classes and ages of poultry.
