

Contains formalin inactivated isolates of M. bovis


Stop pinkeye before it starts

  • Category: Vaccines
  • Species: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle
  • Active Ingredients:

    Killed vaccine


Product Information

Pinkeye Protection - It's not just pinkeye. It's your profitability. You can stop pinkeye before it starts with a single dose of I-SITE XP® for broad protection before fly-season begins.

For use in the prevention and control of pinkeye (infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis) in healthy cattle caused by Moraxella bovis. Provides broad protection against pinkeye with it's eight Moraxella bovis isolates.


  • Contains eight M. bovis isolates for broad protection
  • May vaccinate the herd while treating infected cattle
  • Sub-Q administration; 2 mL dose
  • Excellent syringeability enables easier administration
  • Single dose protection
  • Shortens disease duration and severity
  • Reduces eye damage for healthier cattle and improved profitability
  • Minimal injection-site reactions
  • In most seasons, a single dose is suggested in herds that have not had a challenging history with pinkeye.


This product has been shown to be effective for the vaccination of healthy cattle 2 months of age or older against pinkeye (infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis). The duration of immunity against Moraxella bovis is at least 120 days when administered at 5 months of age. For more information regarding efficacy and safety data, see productdata.aphis.usda.gov.

Storage & Handling

Store at 2° to 8°C (35° to 46°F). DO NOT FREEZE.
Shake well before and during use.
Use entire contents when first opened. 

Active Ingredient or Composition

Killed vaccine

Dosage & Administration

Shake well. Administer a 2 mL dose subcutaneously to cattle 2 months of age or older.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter. In case of anaphylactic reaction, administer epinephrine or atropine. This product has not been tested in pregnant animals. Do not mix with other products.
