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Bulgarian Facilities

Huvepharma expands cutting edge technology

All of human knowledge is currently doubling every 12 hours, according to experts. At that rate, there’s a lot to keep up with! As an animal health company, it’s expected the products and technology are on the cutting edge, so naturally, processes, facilities and products have to continually update as new information is available. That would be really hard to do with outdated facilities and practices. Animal health has come a long way in a half a century, but it’s still continuing to evolve as knowledge increases, which is why Huvepharma® has been focused on keeping its fermentation and manufacturing expertise on the cutting edge during its more than half-a-century existence.

As an international company, Huvepharma has been expanding facilities across the globe over the past several years, including building a state-of-the-art multipurpose production facility in Peshtera, Bulgaria, that more than doubles the fermentation capacity of pharmaceutical products and feed additives. This large, modern fermentation plant provides capacity for producing major molecules, purification and downstream processing. The new plant is an elaborate and integrated industrial system with many features, including:

  • A fermentation workshop
  • Downstream processing workshop
  • Compressed air unit
  • Three warehouses for incoming starting materials, liquid starting materials and intermediate products
  • Cooling water towers
  • Pump station
  • Electrical distribution power station
  • Logistics center

To improve process management and control, the manufacturing process has been automated and 200 highly qualified specialists and workers work there. In addition, the electricity power station uses state-of-the-art technology and complete automation and remote operation and control.

The completion of the facility allows Huvepharma to expand production of fermented products, including coccidiostats, antibiotics, enzymes, probiotics and human health active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

Huvepharma is focused on manufacturing growth in Europe and North America and maintaining European Union and United States standards despite many competitors expanding facilities into China. The company will continue to push the envelope in technology, as well as pushing the borders of the world in the increasingly global animal health marketplace.